Feud 'Fore Thought {Entry 1}

Posted: Monday, May 24, 2010 by LePhilozophe in

According to a Population Reference Bureau guesstimate, the number of people who have ever been born, ergo, who've lived on earth since the "beginning of time"(a cosy tea-party for two roundabout 50, 000 BC) until the present day, is a mind-fumbling 106,456,367,669 (i'd hate to see the water bill). To those of us who break out in hives at the sight of figures, that's 106 BILLION people, give or take a few hobbits. It's a pretty interesting- mayhaps complex- set of calculations by which they arrive at this figure, but worry not,it checks out (you good old abacus, you ).

Now here's my brain fodder to chew on with your cud: Let's say we added up all the people who've lived since the beginning of time until the present day, what we now know to be an amazing 106,456,367,669, right? Now, suppose every one of those people asked of themselves at least ONCE in their lifetime what the meaning of life is-and had their own version or idea of what it is- you'd get about 106+ BILLION different answers, still with me? So, to date that's 106+ billion answers, and yet none is exactly the right one... ergo, we're nowhere closer to knowing the meaning of life.

Amazing when you think about it, really. How the closer we think we've come to answering the riddle of the universe, the farther we get from the answer... and the harder the questions become. i don't think life is supposed to be figured out, really...the figuring is rather in the living, think you not?

The one true certainty of life is that it begins, and that it ends. In-between we have the freedom of trial and error, learning and choice. i guess the lesson we learn through living is not to live your life always trying to look up and catch The Maker out with the puppet strings in His hand. The rules read pretty clear and simple actually: to play your show out till the curtain drops, and pride yourself that you gave it your best shot. Standing ovation, or not...
